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SEPTEMBER 2024: Individual exhibition, (AMA) Art Museum of the Americas, Washington DC,  United States of America



Individual exhibition, Residency of France, San Salvador,  El Salvador

Individual exhibition, Christian Real Fondation, Annecy, France

Individual exhibition, Forma Museum, San Salvador, EL Salvador



Individual exhibition, Katara, Doha, Qatar

Exhibition,  FIAC Tajan auctions house, Paris, france

Individual exhibition, Kalasrot Gallery, Lucknow, India

Individual exhibition, Indira Gandhi Nacional Center for Arts & The Indian council of cultural relations, New Delhi, India



Individual exhibition, Cervantes Institut, Utrech, Netherlands

Group exhibition of artbooks, Bibliothèque Patrimoniale Can 

Ventosa, Ibiza, Spain



DIRECTOR of the International Ccultural Center (CCI), Panama, Panama

Artist residency for the UNESCO national comission of Andorre, Andorre

Individual exhibition, The Witte Society, représentant El Salvador at the Latinoamerican table, La Haye, Netherlands

Individual exhibition, Forum of arts, Tehran, Iran

Individual exhibition, Pedregal Tower, San Salvador, EL Salvador

Individual exhibition, Forma Museum, San Salvador, EL Salvador



Group exhibition, UNESCO, El Salvador delegation, Paris, France




Public collection, Palacio Gomez, La Habana, Cuba

Individual exhibition, honneur artist at the Ministery of forein afairs of El Salvador 

Dual exhibition, Galerie Patries Van Dorst, Wassenaar, Netherlands

Group exhibition, UNESCO, El Salvador delegation, Paris, France

Individual exhibition, Forma Museum, San Salvador, EL Salvador

Group exhibition «Arte en Mayo», Rosas Botran Fondation, Guatemala



Individual exhibition, Patries van Dorst Galerie, Wassennar, Netherlands

Individual exhibition, Casa del ALBA, La Habana, Cuba

Individual exhibition ICADE-STORE, Aubervilliers, France

Exhibition and concert, Saint Germain l’Auxerrois church, Paris France 

Group exhibition, Institut Cervantès, Lyon, France

Group exhibition, Galerie Ahtzic Silis, Lyon, France



Group exhibition, Gallery Espacio, San Salvador, El Salvador

Group exhibition, Gallery 212, Miami, United States

Beirut Art Fair, represented by Southborder Gallery, Beirut, Liban

Individual exhibition, Embassy of El Salvador, London, UK

Individual exhibition, Instituto Cervantes, Dublin, Ireland

First prize, «Arte en Mayo» festival, Rosas Botran Foundation, 

Guatemala, Guatemala

Individual exhibition, House of Latin America in Monaco



Group exhibition, Gallery Sentidos, San Salvador, El Salvador

Group exhibition, Post Office Museum, Paris, France

Group exhibition «Melting Potes», Musée du Montparnasse, Paris, France 

Performance - auction sale, Salon des étoiles, Sporting de Monte Carlo, Monaco 

Group exhibition, «Visiones», Fundation Rosas Botran, Guatemala, Guatemala 

Group exhibition, Galeria Sanguinetti, Lima, Pérou



Special mention, 23rd Painting biennial IHCI Central America and Caribbean, Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Group exhibition, Imagen Gallery, Panama, Panama

Group exhibition, Sanguinetti Gallery, Lima, Peru

Group exhibition, De Gallery, San Salvador, El Salvador

Individual exhibition, Embassy of El Salvador in Paris, France

Individual exhibition, Gli eroici furori Arte contemporanea, Milan, Italy



Individual exhibition, Consulate of El Salvador in Montreal, Montreal, Canada Individual exhibition, Espazio Laghetto, Milan, Italy

Individual exhibition, DeGallery, San Salvador, El Salvador

Individual exhibition, Galeria de Pascal, Suchitoto, El Salvador

Public Collection of Ministry of Defence of Spain ISDEFE, Madrid, España



Individual exhibition, India International Centre, New Delhi, India

Group exhibition, UNESCO Palace, Paris, France

Individual exhibition, De Gallery, San Salvador, El Salvador



Individual exhibition, Villanueva 8 Art Gallery, Madrid, Spain

First prize “Les Grands Maîtres de demain” (The Great Masters of Tomorrow), Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, France

Individual Exhibition, Aatrium Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia



Individual exhibition, Claude Marumo art gallery, Paris, France

Individual exhibition, De Gallery, San Salvador, El Salvador



Individual exhibition, Talbot art gallery, Paris, France.

Individual exhibition, Claude Marumo, art gallery, Paris, France

Group exhibition, City Hall of Sens, in collaboration with the Embassy of El Savador in France, Sens, France



Individual exhibition, Claude Marumo, Paris, France 

Individual exhibition, Lilla Studio, Cochin, India



Individual exhibition, House of Culture of San Salvador, El Salvador 

Collective exhibition, Galeria Klauss, San José, Costa Rica 

Collective exhibition, Galeria Wer, Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala



Group exhibition, ADAPES, Santa Ana, El Salvador

Group exhibition, Centro Cultural Americano, Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Group exhibition, Fundacion Pro-Patrimonio Cultural, San Salvador, El Salvador 

Group exhibition, Sala Nacional de Exposiciones, San Salvador, El Salvador

Prize of cultural journalism, El Salvador Association of Journalists, for the management of the cultural magazine SUPLEMENTO CULTURAL 3000 du Co-Latino, San Salvador, El Salvador

Creation of cultural space GUAJIRA-CAFE, San Salvador, El Salvador




Collective exhibition, Galerie Ginza Art, Tokyo, Japan



Collective exhibition, National Centre for Arts of San Salvador, El Salvador





Festival de Cannes, Lang Lang fondation with the collaboration of Baron Ribeyre & associes, Cannes, France



Tajan, Paris, France



Drouot, Baron Ribeyre & associes, Paris, France

Auction sale, El Salvador Museum Forma, (Guest artist), San Salvador, El Salvador



Auction sale,  Contemporany art museum(MAC), (Guest artist), Panama, Panama



Auction sale, El Salvador Museum of Modern Art (MARTE), (Guest artist), San Salvador, El Salvador



Performance – auction by ARTCURIAL, Stars room, Sporting de Monte Carlo, Monaco



Auction, MASSOL S.A., Vannes, France



Auction, Gallery Besch, Cannes, France

Auction, Gallery des Chevau-Légers, Versailles, France

Rodolfo Oviedo Vega, prix du Senat

PRIX DU SENAT FRANÇAIS. Mr. Ambassadeur du Bresil, Paulo Cesar de Oliveira Campos (gauche), Recevant le prix de la part du Président du Sénat Gérard Larcher, représentante de l'ambassade d'El Salvador Maria Abelina (droite)

Rodolfo Oviedo Vega

Artist painter, interior designer and cultural administrator. In 2016, he was awarded by the French Government for his cultural work and for consolidating links between France and Latin America. He is currently and President of the Jour et Nuit Culture Association in Paris, a residency and exhibition space for artists, which promotes art and, since 2010, has benefited more than 1000 artists worldwide. Between 2018 and 2022 he was Director of the International Cultural Center of Panama. In 2015, he contributed to the creation of the ACA Association to promote the culture of Central America.


His work is part of various personal and public collections and he has exhibited in more than 20 countries around the world. Among these exhibitions and public collections are the Pompidou Museum in Metz, the Teheran Artist House, the Spanish Ministry of Defence, the Gómez Palace in Havana, Cuba (property of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs), the Collection Prince Albert of Monaco and Prince Carlos of Bourbon of the Two Sicilies among others.

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